Sedation Dentistry
It’s not uncommon for children to have anxiety at the dentist, which can affect their journey to a healthy and happy smile. Every child is unique, and some children have needs that require extra care and attention. At Colorado Springs Pediatric Dentistry, we want our patients to feel comfortable and cared for every step of the way in their treatment plan.
Our board-certified pediatric dentists specialize in sedation dentistry for kids and general anesthesia, and we offer different treatments that many other clinics do not.
If your child struggles at the dentist or is soon undergoing a new and unfamiliar dental procedure, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our dentists in Colorado Springs are happy to discuss your child’s options for dental care and sedative treatment.
Contact us in Colorado Springs!

How Can You Prepare Your Child for Sedation Treatment?
Being informed about the different types of sedation dentistry is the best way to prepare your child. Talk to your child about what the treatment is, why it’s being used, and how it will make them feel during and after the procedure.
Be open to their questions and use language that is gentle and non-frightening. Our dentists are happy to explain the procedure to them and answer any additional questions they have.
What should you do before your child’s dentist appointment?
● Any changes to your child’s health.
● Medical conditions they may be experiencing.
● Medications they are taking on the day of the appointment.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information.

Nitrous Oxide
You may be familiar with what is commonly coined as “the clown nose” or laughing gas, otherwise known as nitrous oxide.
This form of minimal sedation is commonly used in dentist offices to help patients relax during minor dental procedures. It’s often administered before dental restorations or other procedures that require local anesthesia.
Is nitrous oxide safe for children?
Conscious Sedation
Some children experience more anxiety at the dentist than others. Young patients can struggle to sit still or remain calm during treatment. These are common experiences for many pediatric patients, and our practice is equipped to administer moderate sedation to reduce their anxiety and discomfort. The sedation medications are taken orally and are designed to make children feel relaxed and drowsy without becoming unconscious.
Is your child a candidate for conscious sedation?
If you think your child could benefit from conscious sedation treatment at their next appointment, our team will assess them and recommend the best treatment plan for their needs.
Outpatient General Anesthesia
It may be necessary to render a child completely asleep for certain dental procedures.
There are assumed risks with general anesthesia, but the medical community has deemed the benefits of dental treatment to outweigh the risks and those associated with NO treatment.
Is your child a candidate for general anesthesia?
Ensuring your child receives the dental care they need early in life can help them stay healthy for years to come. Our team is happy to discuss your child’s treatment plan and their options for general anesthesia or sedation.
Colorado Springs Pediatric Dentistry North
9480 Briar Village Point #301
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 719-522-0123
Fax: 719-266-6614
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(Please call our office to check which office is open on Mondays & Fridays)
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Colorado Springs Pediatric Dentistry South
660 Southpointe Ct #100
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Phone: 719-522-0123
Fax: 719-375-8556